Chitwan National Park and Chitwan is located in the central southern part of Nepal. Chitwan is connected via road with all over Nepal. Bharatpur is the main city of Chitwan and it is fourth largest city in Nepal.
Bharatpur is a commercial and service center of central south Nepal and major destination for higher education, health care and transportation in the Nepal.
Sauraha is only 20km far form the Bharatpur

By Tourist BUS,
Chitwan National Park is easy to access via Bus. There is only Tourist Bus from Kathamandu and Pokhara.
Tourist Bus From Kathmandu
It is very easy to get tourist bus from Kathmandu to Chitwan National Park. The location of the Tourist bus getting place is call “Sorhakhutte bus Stop” or on google map is ” Tourist bus stop. Which is only 10 minute walk from Thamel. There are more than 5 Tourist Bus Company, From Kathmandu to Chitwan,
The Leaving time of the Tourist bus from Kathmandu is 6:30 am from the Tourist Bus Stop. And the duration of the Tourist Bus Kathmandu to Chitwan is 5 hours. if you are buying ticket from agency in Kathmandu will cost you (nrs1000-nrs1200)
If you want to buy bus ticket own your own than you should be at the bus stop before 6:30am. But if you are travelling in the season, please be careful. We recommend you to buy bus ticket before.
These tourist bus from Kathmandu to Chitwan stop at Sauraha tourist Bus Station in Chitwan. And it is only 1.5 km far from center of Sauraha and 15 minute walk to Entrance Gate of Chitwan National Park. and it is only 1km far from our office.

Tourist Bus From Pokhara to Chitwan
It is very easy to get tourist bus from Pokhara to Chitwan National Park. The location of the Tourist bus getting place is call Lake side Tourist Bus park or on google man is ” Tourist bus stop. Which is only 20 minute walk from Lake side. There are more than 5 Tourist Bus Company, From Pokhara to Chitwan National Park,
The Leaving time of the Tourist bus from Pokhara is 8;30 am from the Tourist Bus Stop. And the duration of the Tourist Bus Kathmandu to Chitwan is 5 hours. if you are buying ticket from agency in Pokhara will cost you (nrs1000-nrs1200)
If you want to buy bus ticket own your own than you should be at the bus stop before 8 am(8:30am). But if you are travelling in the season, please be careful. We recommend you to buy bus ticket before.
These Tourist Bus Stop at Sauraha Tourist Bus Station at Chitwan. it is only 1.5km far from the Sauraha city center and 15 minute walk to the Entrance gate of Chitwan National Par8
Sauraha(Chitwan National Park) Tourist Bus Station
IN Chitwan or Chitwan National Park, There is only one Tourist Bus Station. You get tourist bus only to Kathmandu, Pokhara And Lumbini.
Buses for Khathmandu and Pokhara lesves only one time of the day 7:30 am and the bus for Lumbini leaves 9 am in the morning.
To get the Bus form Chitwan to Kathmandu, Pokhara and Lumbini you need to organize before the leaving time in high season and if you are travelling in a low season you can walk to the Sauraha Tourist Bus Station and easy to get Bus.
if you want to walk to the tourist bus you need to be there before 30 minute of departure time.
the average price of the Tourist bus to Kathmandu, Pokhara, and Lumbini will cost nrs 1000-nrs1200
Getting Chitwan National Park via Public Bus from all over Nepal
Travelling via Public Bus is not only budget way or saving money. it is an adventure, Amazing Neplali hood experiencing and feeling local and And experience of Nepali.
But travelling via Public Bus in Nepal is quite difficult than via Tourist Bus. Public bus are not punctuanl and it stop several time for passenger. Some time there is cultural problem during you Public Bus ride, Because some Nepali People are very nice to you and want to make conversation and asking many question and looking at you. this is very normal in Nepali culture. some time people feel scare and difficult with this kinds of situation.
Any way If you want to have amazing experience, travelling via Public Bus is Amazing.
Chitwan Nationa Park is located central southern part of Nepal and Chitwan’s main city is Bharatpur and Bharatpur is the forth large city of Nepal.
Bharatpur is connected via road all over the Nepal.
If you are Travelling to Chitwan National Park from different part of Nepal, than Bharatpur is the first stop in Chitwan.
After getting Bharatpur, You need to take taxi or local short bus to Chitwan National Park. And Bharatpur is only about 20 km far from the Chitwan National Park’s entrance(SAURAHA)
if you take taxi will be little expensive and than tuk tuk, from Bharatpur to Sauraha taxi will cost you nrs 1000 and if take tuktuk will cost you nrs 600- nrs 800.
But if you want to save mony, than you have to take local bus.
1st Bus from Bharatpur to Saurahachok and will be around 12 km and will cost nrs 40/person.
Stopping at Saurahachok you need to take different small magic micro Bus from Saurahachok. it is very easy to get small local bus from Saurahachok to Sauraha. it is 6 km drive and will cost you nrs 40/person. And will take you to the center of the Chitwan National Park, Sauraha of if you have a hotel booking just let the driver the name of your lobby hotel, they will stop very near to your hotel.
You can get local transport at the highway